My Equipment

As time went on and the photography and photo editing capabilities improved, so did the equipment.
I started with Skywatcher 8" Newtonian (F4)  Scope and Skywatcher HEQ5 as a Mount , shooting mainly planetary and some DSO with the un-cooled ZWO ASI 183 Mono.
Today , I own the following gear :

- WO RedCat 51 Dual Rig
- WO FLT132
- Celestron Edge HD 9.25"

Cameras :
- ATIK 16200 Mono
- ZWO ASI 2600 Mono

- ZWO ASI 183 Mono - Planetary and Guiding
- ZWO ASI 120 Mono  - Guiding Only
- ZWO ASI 290MC - Planetary

Mounts :
- Paramount MX+ (fixed on a pier in my observatory)
- Losmandy G11 - My goto mount.