Deep Sky Objects Gallery

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Andromeda Galaxy
Also known as : M31, NGC 224
Distance to Earth : 2500 Kly
Apparent Size : 177.8 X 69.7 arcmin
Constellation : Andromeda
Apparent magnitude (V): 3.28
Technical: ASI 2600 Mono + RedCat51 + HALRGB 20 h

Also known as : M45 , 7 sisters, cr42 , Mel 22
Distance to Earth : 430 light years
Apparent Size : 120 arcmin
Constellation : Taurus
Apparent magnitude (V):  1.5

Technical: Atik 16200 Mono + WO FLT132 + LRGB 12 h

Pacman Nebula (Hubble palette)
Also known as : NGC 281 , IC11, SH2-184, LBN 616
Distance to Earth : 4100 light years
Apparent Size : 35 X 30 arcmin
Constellation : Cassiopeia
Apparent magnitude (V): 7.4
Technical: Atik 16200 Mono + WO FLT132 + SHO 35 h

Pacman Nebula (HOO)
Also known as : NGC 281 , IC11, SH2-184, LBN 616 Distance to Earth : 4100 light years
Apparent Size : 35 X 30 arcmin
Constellation : Cassiopeia
Apparent magnitude (V): 7.4
Technical: Atik 16200 Mono + WO FLT132 + HOO 35 h

Veil Nebula
Also known as : NGC 6960 ,+ NGC 6995
Distance to Earth : 2600 light years
Apparent Size : 70 X 40 arcmin
Constellation : Cygnus
Apparent magnitude (V): 5
Technical: ASI 2600 Mono + RedCat51 + SHO 14 h

NGC 7822
Also known as : LBN 589 , Cederblad 214
Distance to Earth : 3000 light years
Apparent Size : 60 X 30 arcmin
Constellation : Cepheus
Apparent magnitude (V): 8
Technical: ASI 2600 Mono + RedCat51 + SHO 30 h

Eagle Nebula
Also known as : M16, NGC 6611 , LBN 67
Distance to Earth : 5700 light years
Apparent Size : 35 X 28 arcmin
Constellation : Serpens
Apparent magnitude (V): 6.4
Technical: Atik 16200 Mono + WOFLT132 + SHO 16 h

Elephant Trunk Nebula
Also known as : IC 1396
Distance to Earth : 3000 light years
Apparent Size : 170 X 140 arcmin
Constellation : Cepheus
Apparent magnitude (V): 5.59
Technical: ASI 2600 Mono + RedCat51 + HARGB 17 h

The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules
Also known as : M13 , NGC 6205
Distance to Earth : 23000 light years
Apparent Size : 20 arcmin
Constellation : Hercules
Apparent magnitude (V): 5.78

Bubble Nebula and M52 Open Cluster
Also known as : NGC 7635, C11, LBN 548
Distance to Earth : 1400 light years
Apparent Size : 15 x 8 arcmin
Constellation : Cassiopeia
Apparent magnitude (V): 11
Technical: Atik 16200 Mono + WOFLT132 + HOO 14 h

Leo Triplet
Also known as : M65 , M66, NGC 3628
Distance to Earth : 35 million light years
Apparent Size : NA
Constellation : Leo
Apparent magnitude (V): 9 - 10
Technical: ASI 2600 Mono + RedCat51 + LRGB 10 h

Butterfly Nebula In Sadr Region
Also known as :IC1318
Distance to Earth : 1500 light years
Apparent Size : 40 x 20 arcmin
Constellation : Cygnus
Apparent magnitude (V): 10
Technical: ASI 2600 Mono + RedCat51 + SHO 16 h

Sadr Region
Also known as :IC1318 , Gamma Cygni Nebula
Distance to Earth : 1500 light years
Apparent Size : 40 x 20 arcmin 
Constellation : Cygnus
Apparent magnitude (V): 2.2
Technical: ASI 2600 Mono + RedCat51 + SHO 16 h

Iris Nebula
Also known as : NGC 7023, LBN 487
Distance to Earth : 1300 light years
Apparent Size : 18 x 18 arcmin
Constellation : Cepheus
Apparent magnitude (V): 7.19
Technical: ASI 2600 Mono + RedCat51 + LRGB 1 h

Crescent Nebula
Also known as :NGC 6888, C27 , LBN 203
Distance to Earth : 5400 light years
Apparent Size : 20 x 10 arcmin
Constellation : Cygnus
Apparent magnitude (V): 7.4
Technical: Atik 16200 Mono + WOFLT132 + HOO 20 h

North America Nebula , Gulf of Mexico
Also known as :NGC 7000, C20 , LBN 373
Distance to Earth : 2600 light years
Apparent Size : 120 x 100 arcmin
Constellation : Cygnus
Apparent magnitude (V): 4
Technical: ASI 2600 Mono + RedCat51 + SHO 13 h

Heart and Soul Nebulas
Also known as : IC 1805 and IC 1848
Distance to Earth : 6200 - 6500 light years
Apparent Size : 60 x 60 arcmin and 60 x 30 arcmin
Constellation : Cassiopeia
Apparent magnitude (V): 6.5
Technical: ASI 2600 Mono + RedCat51 + SHO 24 h

Orion Nebula
Also known as : M42 , NGC 1976, LBN 974
Distance to Earth : 1400 light years
Apparent Size : 85 x 60 arcmin
Constellation : Orion
Apparent magnitude (V): 4

Double Cluster in Perseus
Also known as : NGC 869 & NGC 884
Distance to Earth : 7000 light years
Apparent Size : 18 arcmin and 18 arcmin
Constellation : Perseus
Apparent magnitude (V): 6
Technical: Atik 16200 Mono + WOFLT132 + RGB 5 h 

Lion Nebula
Also known as : SH 2-132 , LBN 473
Distance to Earth : 1800 light years
Apparent Size : 30 x 20 arcmin
Constellation : Cepheus
Apparent magnitude (V): unknown
Technical: Atik 16200 Mono + WOFLT132 + SHO 30 h

Rosette Nebula (Hubble Palette)
Also known as : NGC 2238 NGC 2239 NGC 2246 LBN 948 C49
Distance to Earth : 5500 light years
Apparent Size : 80 x 60 arcmin
Constellation : Monoceros
Apparent magnitude (V): 5.5
Technical: Atik 16200 Mono + WOFLT132 + SHO 27 h

Rosette Nebula (HOO)
Also known as : NGC 2238 NGC 2239 NGC 2246 LBN 948 C49
Distance to Earth : 5500 light years
Apparent Size : 80 x 60 arcmin
Constellation : Monoceros
Apparent magnitude (V): 5.5
Technical: Atik 16200 Mono + WOFLT132 + SHO 27 h

Orion & Running Man Nebulas
Also known as : M42 , NGC 1976, LBN 974
Distance to Earth : 1400 light years
Apparent Size : 85 x 60 arcmin
Constellation : Orion
Apparent magnitude (V): 4
Technical: Atik 16200 Mono + WOFLT132 + HARGB 7 h

California Nebula
Also known as : NGC 1499 , LBN 756
Distance to Earth : 1800 light years
Apparent Size : 145 x 40 arcmin
Constellation : Perseus
Apparent magnitude (V): 5
Technical: ASI 2600 Mono + RedCat51 + SHO 15 h

Dark Nebula in Orion
Also known as : LDN 1622 , BDN 204-12 , Boogey man Nebula
Distance to Earth : 500 light years
Apparent Size : 25 x 20 arcmin
Constellation : Orion
Apparent magnitude (V): NA

The Eastern Veil Nebula
Also known as : NGC 6992 , IC 1340 , C33
Nebula Distance to Earth : 2600 light years
Apparent Size : 60 x 30 arcmin
Constellation : Cygnus
Apparent magnitude (V): 5

Dark Nebula in ARA
Also known as : NGC 6188 , RCW 108
Distance to Earth : 3800 light years
Apparent Size : 20 x 12 arcmin
Constellation : ARA
Apparent magnitude (V): 5.19

Also known as : NGC 5457
Distance to Earth : 23 Mly
Apparent Size : 24 x 23.1 arcmin
Constellation : Ursa Major
Apparent magnitude (V): 7.77
Technical : DSS

Bright Nebula in Auriga
Also known as : IC 410 , LBN 807
Distance to Earth : 12000 light years
Apparent Size : 40 x 30 arcmin
Constellation : Auriga
Apparent magnitude (V): 10
Technical : DSS

North America Nebula Gulf of Mexico
Also known as : NGC 7000 , LBN 373
Distance to Earth : 2600 light years
Apparent Size : 120 x 100 arcmin
Constellation : Cygnus
Apparent magnitude (V): 4
Technical: QSI 583 WSG5 + Rokinon 135 +LRGB 18.6 h

Horsehead and Flame Nebulas
Also known as : B33 , IC 434 , NGC  2024
Distance to Earth : 800 light years
Apparent Size : 60 x 100 and 30 x 30 arcmin  
Constellation : Orion
Apparent magnitude (V): 7.3 , 10

Technical: Atik 16200 Mono + WOFLT132 + HARGB 7 h

Crab Nebula
Also known as : M1 , NGC 1952 , LBN 833
Distance to Earth : 6200 light years
Apparent Size : 6 x 4 arcmin
Constellation : Taurus
Apparent magnitude (V): 8.39
Technical: DSS  (Red , IR , Blue)

Gamma Cygni Nebula
Also known as : IC 1318
Distance to Earth : 1500 light years
Apparent Size : 40 x 20 arcmin
Constellation : Cygnus
Apparent magnitude (V): 10
Technical: DSS (Red , IR , Blue)

Money Head Nebula 
Also known as : NGC 2174
Distance to Earth : 1400 light years
Apparent Size : 40 x 30 arcmin
Constellation : Orion
Apparent magnitude (V): 7.59
Technical: DSS (Red , IR , Blue)

Triangulum Galaxy
Also known as : M33 NGC 598 
Distance to Earth : 2800 Kly
Apparent Size : 62 x 36 arcmin
Constellation : Triangulum
Apparent magnitude (V): 5.79
Technical: DSS (Red , IR , Blue)

Seagull Nebula
Also known as : IC 2177 Sh 2-296 LBN 1027
Distance to Earth : 5900 light years
Apparent Size : 120 x 40 arcmin
Constellation : Monoceros
Apparent magnitude (V): 10
Technical: ASI 2600 Mono + RedCat51 + SHO 14 h

Rho Ophiuchi Nebula
Also known as : IC 4604 LBN 1111
Distance to Earth : 390 ly
Apparent Size : 60 x 25 arcmin
Constellation : Ophiuchus
Apparent magnitude (V): 5.09
Technical: Remotely shoot by DSW , Rokinon QSI 583 LRGB 9 h 

Witch Head Nebula
Also known as : IC 2118 , LBN 959
Distance to Earth : 750 ly
Apparent Size : 180 x 60 arcmin
Constellation : Orion
Apparent magnitude (V): 10
Technical: Remotely shoot by DSW , Rokinon QSI 583 LRGB 

Angel Nebula

Bright Nebula in Ara
Also known as : ngc 6188 , RCW 108
Distance to Earth : 3800 ly
Apparent Size : 20 x 12 arcmin
Constellation : Ara
Apparent magnitude (V): 5.19
Technical: Remotely shoot by DSW , Rokinon QSI 583 LRGB

North America Nebula Gulf of Mexico
Also known as : NGC 7000 C20 LBN 373
Distance to Earth : 2600 ly
Apparent Size : 120 x 100 arcmin
Constellation : Cygnus
Apparent magnitude (V): 4
Technical: RedCat 51 / SHO Filters

Cygnus Wall 
small part from NGC 7000
Technical : Celestron Edge 9.25" / 0.7 Reducer with Atik 16200 / HA filter 

Gamma Cygni Nebula
Also known as : IC 1318
Distance to Earth : 1500 light years
Apparent Size : 40 x 20 arcmin
Constellation : Cygnus Apparent magnitude (V): 10
Technical: RedCat 51 LRGB HA

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